Lattice geometry initialization file

This file should be readable by Maple

# comment lines

latname:="diamond"; optional lattice name (lattice ini-file should be referable by filename)

C:=[a,a,a,90,90,90,"Fd-3mP"]; optional (recommended) list of unit cell parameters

SG:="Fd-3mP"; symmetry group recognized by SymmetryGroup command

M:=Matrix(3,3,[ matrix of translation vectors as columns

AP:=Matrix(3,2,[ matrix of all atomic positions in lattice coordinates as columns

Aorbs:=[[1,2]]: orbits of all atoms (as FGS_get("os2m") list)

geovalV:=[a=3.567]: parameter values for visualization, e.g. with carbon, fluorine, and other light elements

geovalM:=[a=4/sqrt(3)]: parameter values for sites and dimers calculations, e.g. scaled to have unit bondlength and ideal angles

geovalf:=p->[a=4/sqrt(3)*len(p[1],p[2])]: procedure for determination of parameters from a list of Cartesian coordinates p::list(Vectors) of the lattice fragment defined by geomts

geomts:="1+2+2a": encoded lattice fragment used for mapping the lattice onto real atomic positions