B3, zincblende

Structural typeB3
Common namezincblende, sphalerite
Definitiondia lattice of two species (covalent bonding) or
fcc lattice of large ions with the smaller ions occupying ½ of tetrahedral voids (ionic)
Prototype ZnS
Pearson symbolcF8
Space group216 F-43m Td2
Chemical formulaAX
Bondingcovalent (donor-acceptor) or ionic
Atomic positions  A (4a)   0    0    0   (marked by C)
 X (4c)  1/4  1/4  1/4  (marked by S)
CoordinationAX, XA – 4t
SublatticesA, X – fcc
FilesB3, unit cell
Related structuresB4 is locally equivalent
Superstructuresdia for A=X
Substancessemiconducting compounds IV+IV (CSi), III+V (BN, GaAs), II+VI (ZnS), rarely I+VII (AgI)